The Importance of Early Diagnosis
Speaker 1 [00:00:00] Welcome to the BioCare Health Radio Network. It's your weekly scheduled appointment with the doctor. A unique program providing help to find your way to good health, healing and disease prevention. Here's your host and founder of BioCare Hospital, Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez.
Speaker 2 [00:00:17] My friends. Thank you for being there. I'm Dr. Rodriguez. Rodriguez. And, you know, I love to talk to you. I love to talk about things that I know are very important. That can be. A complete change of life. Change of style. Change of everything. And the more you know, you better prepare. You're going to be. You know, health doesn't come just for granted. I know that many of us just take any challenge, any health problem, anything as something that's going to happen to somebody else. It's very well known that many, many times people come up with a diagnosis and they say, Why me? And and that's really the the bottom line of the program that I'm planning to do today. The the condition, the situation where we all are putting ourselves into just by not learning, just by not studying, just by not being informed on how to take care of your body, how to make sure that everything runs well and how make changes when things do not go the way they should go. But in order in order to be able to do it, we have to, first of all, know who we are and how we function. And we were guessing today as every Friday night at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and truth be told, radio network. And if you've Spotify, truth be told, radio network, you're going to find over 150 programs like this where I want to convey a message of how we can keep this wonderful body, this temple that we have been given in good shape, healthy and performing, because health brings joy. There's not going to be joy in life if you're sick. And unfortunately, we all have learned that sometimes the worst possible manner. But you just have to understand that this buddy of ours needs special care. No needs BioCare no matter what you're going to be doing with your life. You're going to have fun. You can go to party. You can have do a lot of things. Yet you have to stop at a certain point and say, I better check this out. I better improve this area. Just like your car. You have a wonderful car. You have a four by four. You have these big trunk that you love. And then you decide to go camping and you choose the worst pathways because you know, your car is very strong, very powerful. It can do it. And you're going to enjoy jumping on all those potholes and stones and cliffs, etc.. But before you do that trip. You take your car out, you make sure your tires have are in good shape, that they have the proper pressure. You check the oil, you check the transmission levels, you check the whole thing to make sure it's going to do what you want. But not only that, when the challenge is over, when you went on your dream vacation, where you did all these things that you wanted to do, you're going to come back and then we're going to take another look to your car because you want to make sure that it's as good as you took it out, that it doesn't have any dents because of the stones, any scratches, because of the branches of the trees or shrubs, etc.. So you start cleaning it out, putting it back together, fixing some of those little things, and then you check again, oil wells, transmission levels to there, because, I mean, if you're running on a bumpy road, you might have hurt the Decatur or an important part of your car in the bottom that you do not see. And that's that's really probably the key of my whole conversation today. You check it out. Even though you do not see we don't see Decatur. We cannot tell many things just by looking at the car. How is the transmission doing? I have found a lot of friends that tell me, Oh, I'm so disappointed I was going to do this, but my car didn't run well. I took it to the garage and it had a major problem with transmission so bad that they had to change the whole thing and it's going to be very expensive. Why? Because we didn't see it. Which means not because you don't see it. Does not exist or it's not going to happen. That's exactly what happens with cancer. That's the message I want to bring to you today. We don't see cancer. There's not a symptom of cancer. I wish there were. Sometimes I say, Oh, I wish every country would have pain, just like shingles. You start with the pain and then you know what it is. But here you can live your life very happy and all of a sudden go to the doctor and he tells you. You have a cancer. Not only that, but the cancer is advanced. The cancer has gone to other organs. You have bone metastases, so you have liver. It does so or you have long metastasis. In other words, the cancer has advanced to a point where treatment is not going to be easy. Nor inexpensive, nor without a good amount of suffering. So what are we saying today? What we're saying today, that we things we don't see still happen. Just how you was mentioning with your truck. Your body has many functions that we take for granted. Many functions we don't even know about. Many things that are a lot more complicated. You know, every time I see how the body works and how the body can do all the changes and so forth, you have no option but to look up and say, Thank God. How could you create this beautiful piece of machinery? And furthermore, you put it in my hands to be taken care of. So if if we are a true believer, we have to understand that this temple, which is everybody, needs very important care. And it's not just what you look at in the mirror, not what you do, how you can see your skin, you can see your complexion, you can see the status of your hair growth, etc., your fingernails, things that are very obvious. But there are many things. That might be wrong, terribly wrong that we do not see. And because they don't give any symptom, we do nothing about it. Actually, it is considered and I'm not telling you about this. It's a fact that more than half, more than 50% actually is between 67 80%. The number of people they ask that they discover cancer when cancer has already advanced. Why? Because he didn't they didn't see it coming. They didn't feel anything. And sometimes we have minor symptoms, but these symptoms are so quiet, so silent, they're really like a stealth type of thing. They come up on us and we we don't see it coming. But all of a sudden we start developing some simple symptoms that are very nonspecific. You say, I'm not hungry. I have met people, for example, that you you talk to and then you say, Oh, my God, you re losing weight. You look great. And then the person tells you, Oh, yeah, what sort of a you regime diet, etc. are you following? And they said, No, nothing. I just started losing weight. Watch out. If you cannot hold your weight for whatever reason and you haven't made any lifestyle change. It's time to check it out. If for any reason, you don't have the appetite you used to have. You sit at the table and they put on the table the thing that you love. They tell you, Oh, I'm glad you're here because this is what I prepare for cooking today. And you say, no, it doesn't really look appealing. No, I'm not going to it. Oh, I'm up to here. Even though, you know, you didn't eat that much. So those are so simple symptoms and so nonspecific that you cannot say. Two and two is four. You cannot assume you have an important decision and are very resilient and it can get into action. So many protective mechanisms that that symptom may go unnoticed for months. In the United States as we speak, it is considered that most cancers are discovered month. Let's say five months, six months before a diverse symptom appeared. And you say, But what can I do, Doctor? I don't feel anything. I don't have any problem. I'm going to work. I'm functioning fantastically well. How? How do I go in checking whether I have or not have cancer? It's it's a difficult task and it is a difficult task. And it that explains why. A big number, almost half of all cancers. When they discover they are advanced. I know why so many people don't pay any attention to any of the symptoms because they're they could be anything, could be a flu, could be your tire, could be stress, could be whatever. And we tend to think of the simplest thing, let alone symptoms. And once again, I'm telling you, I'm not I'm not making this up. I had some patients and I'm going to take each one. And they do. Both of them notice about the same time. And when I talk to them a little bit of blood India in. One took it very seriously. She had a very good doctor who said this could be a bladder cancer. Sure it was. It was discovered on time. She took all the treatments she had do. She was at the hospital at BioCare. We did everything we knew. About that type of cancer. And she's a victorious survivor of this cancer. The other person. He went probably to the wrong doctor. He says, no, this might be nothing. Wait. And six months later, they found out he had bladder cancer. Right now. He's gone. He died. So that shows you how important it is to pay attention to every single symptom. Stay with me, because I want to keep telling you about this.
Speaker 1 [00:13:19] And now back to Doctor Rodriguez.
Speaker 2 [00:13:22] My friends. I'm Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez, medical director of BioCare Hospital. And those of you that have followed me through now many years, time flies know about what I like to do, doc, and inform people about things they can do to prevent or to overcome health issues. And the illness is not your problem, then, about physical fitness and. Energetic life so you can enjoy your body, your life, your friends, your family. You will not be able to do that if you're sick. And we're talking today about early diagnosis in cancer. We're talking about what the numbers tell us. The numbers tells the numbers tell me that a big number of cases are going to be diagnosed five, six, eight months after the problem could have been discovered. You missed the best six month for therapy opportunity. And you did that because you either didn't feel any problem or some general symptoms that sometimes might be kind of obscure. You just miss rhythm. You thought, Oh, I'm losing weight because, well, I'm eating less or I'm losing my appetite for I'm very stressed. That said, we were very prompt to create an excuse to smell symptom. You see people that start limping and you see what happened. Oh, I don't know. I think it's an it shouldn't be anything. It may be a mechanism of the sense. That we disregard a lot of these things. The other aspect to it is that for some reason. Big diagnosis are for somebody else. You say, Oh, poor guy. He doesn't really take good care of himself. He looks terrible. He's lost weight. He's aging too fast. And now he has this cancer. Is it something that happens to other people? It couldn't possibly hit me, but it does. It does it can cancer can get anybody. And the worst part about these, that's why I want to talk to you. That's why you want you to listen. That's why I want you to follow me. That's why I want you to share. All this information because what breaks my heart is that many times we could have. Inactivity months before the day you came to see me. If only you knew better what to do with your body and how to keep the awareness and vigilance it takes to make sure that your body works well and continues to work well and will continue to work well. And the only way you can do can get that power is by educating yourself. You have to educate yourself. You have to read, to watch. Today with your computer. You're only a click away from a lot of information. And this time. Yes, I went to insist. If you have any minor thing that you do not fully understand called BioCare, there's going to be a doctor on the other side of the phone. And he's going to tell you, though, let's check this out. And as a friend of mine who's actually in college, he says, first you have to prove that's nothing serious after that. Okay, take your time. We will solve it somehow. But if it's a serious diagnosis like cancer, we have to get working right away. That right away means that we have to know what to look for. If we don't know, we will not understand. We will misread it. This is actually a French clinician. From the beginning of the 18th century. So a long time ago, I think, he said. You have to know what you're looking for. Otherwise you're going to miss it. So when you when you check your buddy out right now, for example, you're going through in October, we're talking about Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So we talk about mammograms, we talk about self-examination and so on. And as important as breast cancer is, is not the only cancer we can get. We can get the gastrointestinal cancer in the colon, in the stomach, in the liver. We can get in neurological cancer, a glioblastoma or astrocytoma, any of those things. We can get lung cancer, particularly those of you that smoke. So all that thing tells me that there are many cancers I might catch. And that's the 1/2 that we're watching people with cancer younger and younger every year. Why? Because mainly our lifestyle. So if you're in your twenties. You're in your thirties. Why would you want all these years? You feel fantastic. You can run a marathon. You might even win it. Why do you have to worry? Because from everything you do today, you will have to pay tomorrow. So you have to begin very early about how to take care of your body, actually. I would begin from birth. It should begin from birth because if you're born through a natural delivery and you're breast fed, you already have several aces in your in your in your game. You can win a lot of things because you're going to have a fantastic intestinal flora. You're going to have a fantastic immune system. You're going to be able to destroy cancer cells as soon as they use. Begin. You're going to destroy them because you have a powerful immune system. So from the beginning. And then when you're growing up, you eat everything. You eat your fish, you eat your greens, you eat your vegetables. But we have to teach children to do it. Because I don't want to have a son that's going to die while I'm alive because he's in his forties and fifties with a stomach cancer. I don't want to be the one that bury my children. I want them healthy by the time I go and be on my side when I die. That to me is natural. The opposite is completely unnatural. But when you think about it, you have to realize that there is not one bad habit except smoking and alcohol that's going to be later in life. But. In terms of food. Arrest, physical activity and so forth. We are responsible. For the education and training our children get. So if we start doing that, we're beginning to beat cancer. But now you're an adult. So what I'm asking you to do, I'm asking you to be aware. I'm vigilant. Look at yourself every day. Nothing beats that. You go take your shower, get a full size mirror in your in your bathroom, take a good look. Get your weight. Check your blood pressure. See if you become short of breath for any reason. Check if you are excessively tired or if you have lost interest in several things. Or if you have mood problems. That you have to share. You have to. You can call me. You can get on the phone. You can click and ask a question. You don't have to give me your name or anything like that. You have to say I'm 46 years old and I'm feeling this. What should I do? Couldn't be simpler. But that way, we might get things in motion that first are going to prevent cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, which is one of the most important authorities in it in health in the United States, tell me that 40% of all cancers might be prevented by lifestyle changes. And deep in our heart, we know what we do wrong. We smoke or we drink too much or we overeat, or we take excess bad fats because we love chips. Because we love soda pop. Because we love a. Bad food. Fried food, etc.. So we're we know what we're doing wrong. We know what we should be doing. Because nobody questions that. Nobody questions the fact that if I give you a piece of cod. A very nice deep ocean fish. With some steam or baked potatoes and rice and and legumes like beans, like garbanzo. Nobody questions whether that's healthy or not. Our main excuses. I don't like it. Therefore, I don't really. I never eat this. And I know because our children, we give them cereal. Whatever is in that box with skim milk that has lost a lot of its natural nutrients. And then for lunch, they get a sausage on a piece, on a bun. And then for dinner, we give them chicken nuggets. Deep fried French fries, deep fried donuts, deep fry. You follow me? And then we get surprised. We say, Oh, my God. My children are not doing as well as they should, and it's not their fault that we feed them. We feed them those things. We teach them to like those. So if you say charred. Or spinach. Nobody likes that. Ooh. That's not Jamie. That's what we have to do. We have to be aware that cancer might be somewhere around and that we have to discover it early. We have to find out as soon as possible. And ideally. Get it out of your life. If you're in your 20 series Follies, you're in the perfect age. To discard a lot of health issues, a lot of health challenges by changing your lifestyle. So if you listen to me tonight, I want you to share this information. I want you to talk to your children. I always say get a situation room. Get at the dinner table, see your children, see what's in the fridge, see what's in the pantry, and start making changes and showing them they can do a lot better than the way we did. We we belong to the generation that told us that eggs are bad, that fats are bad. But they were talking about good fats. Those are bad. The good ones where we fried food and so forth. So they cheated. They cheated us. They trained us to like what they sell. We have to undo that. We have to show our children a better way because you want them to live long and happy. Stay with me. We're coming right back.
Speaker 1 [00:26:31] BioCare hospitals integrated medical treatments have always included the very best in vitamin and mineral supplementation for critical diseases. Now, all vitamins used by the doctors in patient protocol at BioCare are available to the public. Our new Web store makes it easy for you to find the supplements you are looking for. Shopping from home and your assured. The quality and efficacy are the best guaranteed. Go online and visit BioCare own supplement store at i h products dot net that's i h products dot net or if you have questions, call toll free 18667217405 and hurry free shipping on orders of $100 or more ends soon. And now back to Dr. Rodriguez.
Speaker 2 [00:27:18] We are broadcasting, with the help of, truth be told, radio network. I would like you to listen to all of these programs every Friday at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. And if you miss it for any reason, you can listen to the following Saturday, 9:30 a.m., Eastern Standard Time. But you can search on Spotify. You can search for, truth be told, radio network. And you're going to have over 150 programs like this. I am Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez, medical director of BioCare Hospital. And I'm going to make it a lot easier for you. You can go to our toll free number because you're nothing. And ask me, Doctor. This has happened in my life. What do you think I should do? Or my father or my friend. You don't have to give me a name. Of course you're not going to be charged anything. Just a conversation. That I love to have with people so they don't get to come as a patient with a terrible diagnosis. I want you to come to BioCare to get early diagnosis, early evaluation, check everything out, check lifestyles, and help you to live longer and healthier. That's why I'd like people to come to BioCare. I like them to come to BioCare. To really work with all that beautiful machine that's the human body and make sure that every level, everything the oils, the transmission levels, the windshield, things work, okay, etc. That's why they want you to do. You come for ten days to BioCare and then we're going to do a lot of the things that we're saying. We're going to look for early diagnosis where exactly where you don't see it. Why? Because I already have told you that most cancers in the United States are diagnosed later than what they shoot. And I have already told you that many cancers will go unnoticed. Probably 50% of them will go unnoticed for a long time before you can see that you have a problem. So. We have to do something. And that something is the ability to recognize something is not right. So that's your first line of defense. That you think of it. If you think of it, nothing is going to happen because you're going to be busy with your life. But you need a couple of minutes every day. Probably at the time you retire, probably at the time you wake up, but probably all that and then say, okay, how am I? How do I feel? I can move, I can do this. I don't have any pain. I don't have any ache. I can spring out of the bed and get going, etc. So that is a good idea. I am holding on my weight. I check my blood pressure every now and then and everything looks fine. If you want to go a little bit further, check your blood sugar, which you can do it with a lubricant in your finger and just make sure that everything is all right. It's like looking at the dashboard. And you take all your pressure and you take the temperature of the engine and you check out P, M's, etc.. That's exactly the same. You're looking at your dashboard and make sure that simple but very important things are in order. Wait. Weight is a terribly terrible enemy. And it's becoming more and more relevant almost every day because we have more obese people. We have them younger. I mean, you just have to go to any shopping mall and you can see kids that must be 12, 13, 14, obese. I like to do that when I go to the market and look at the cards and see what people take. And you see everything is boxes and cans. That's not food. That's not for human consumption. Because the Bible tells me that God provided me with fish, with animals to eat, with plants and fruits, with seed, all that all that is written in the Bible. And if I want to be obedient, I'm going to follow those rules. One more thing that's very important in your line of defense. The. First of all, the acknowledgment. But the next one is more proactive. Being proactive by checking things, checking my weight, checking my waistline, checking my everything. And if there are any changes, you have to be able to explain them. You're losing weight. Yeah, because now I'm walking 10,000 steps every day, so you're going to start losing weight and your appetite is healthy, your life is very good, you can move, etc. So everything looks fine. But there is something that I call the 50,000 mile checkup. Because when you have a car, you do check the tires. Europe, they the tires, you change oil, you take it for a tune up, etc. We don't do any of that with everybody, which we should. But then there's going to be a point about 50,000 miles when the garage is going to tell you now you have to leave your car for a couple of days. Why? Because we are going to check these. We're going to check the oil there. We're going to check some of the things in the engine, etc.. So you have to leave the car here. And that's what the BioCare Health Gateway is all about. If you're turning 50. If you're about to turn 50, if you. Where 50 just few months ago, etc.. Time for a good checkup. It's a time to make sure that everything is in order. And furthermore, not only what I can see. But also what I don't see what is what you don't see. I can't tell you about, for example, laboratory markers. That can be a very early sign of some. Malignant activity at BioCare. We have, of course, all the standard tests, but if our inflammatory levels are high, if our tracers for prosthetic cancer or breast cancer, stomach cancer, it's a blood test. You're going to be in the hospital and you're going to begin with something that nothing can beat. Nothing can compete. A 1 to 1 conversation with your doctor. Or you review your history when you review the history of those that were here before you. It's important to know. I asked many times. People say, Oh, I don't know. You say, Are your parents alive? Yeah. Your your grandparents know. Do you know what they die of? No. It's time to ask. Mother what my grandfather died of. What my grandmother died of. Because remember that. Not necessarily that country's hereditary, but there's certain metabolic conditions that might help the cancer to develop. So if you know that, you have to stress your care. You have to stress your vigilance. And if you do, you're going to begin booting cancer in the back burner. It may never hit you. And if it hits you, you're going to be able to tell very early when you have a timely diagnosis. Number one, therapies are simple. Number two, there are the least expensive. Number three, they do not involve big suffering. Like a lot of these a lot of that that will draw in your life. So by carrying is going to help you because when you have a cancer. You have declared war to that cancer, whether you want it or not. There are going to be many things in your body that are going to react against that cancer. We have immune cells. That are searching for abnormal cells. And when they find them, they tag them. We have special white blood cells that tag that cell. A strange cell shouldn't be there. And then you had the big white cells, the macrophages that are all trying to kill Asia. So they're just running around. But when they see a cell that's been tagged. They will engulf it and eat it and destroy it. We actually produce cancer cells every day. We do not develop cancer because we have a body. That was a work of art, a body that was made in perfection. But he needs scare. When you start doing that, you're going to see that you're going to start feeling better and better and better. And when you do these health get away, all those parameters are going to be checked. Once again, your complete medical history, your full medical examination. A lot of good things are going to come out from that conversation 1 to 1, you and your physician. And then when you start getting all the results and you can look at many good things that are in your in your body and hopefully discard any serious disease, then you now know better on how to proceed, how to live longer, and how to be healthier because you already are getting the information. But please don't wait. Please don't disregard things. If you misread a symptom. That may be a loss, a completely lost opportunity to be healthy, to heal. So if you nobody say anything, you have to tell us and you can do it from the comfort of your house, from your work. Just click. Doctor, I have to have this. Should I be concerned? Should I visit a doctor? What can we do about it? How can fact this back? And you're going to see that they say, oh, great, you did very well. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly cancers. Well, I had a patient that came for a simple, very simple thing. It was really it wasn't really a medical diagnosis. But when we test everything, we found she had a beginning of a process of a pancreatic cancer. And you know what? She did it because it was very early. The earlier you diagnose make no mistake, the earlier you have a diagnosis in your hand, the more chances you have to beat that cancer. We'll be right back with you.
Speaker 3 [00:40:30] International Health products are the in-house exclusive products that BioCare Hospital uses. International health combines the purest ingredients with clinical research to create a state of the art nutraceuticals supplement line. That is what we recommend to our patients, and we are delighted to tell you that the quality of the products, the ethics of the production, everything is top of the line. If you're interested, you can call toll free at 18667217405. That is 18667217405. Or visit us at RH products dot net where you can browse through a variety of products and order online.
Speaker 1 [00:41:18] Are you looking for a second opinion on your diagnosis or considering alternative or even supplemental treatment to a critical illness like cancer? Then you should carefully consider International BioCare Hospital a unique state of the art health care provider in Mexico. Listen to what some of our patients say about BioCare Hospital.
Speaker 4 [00:41:37] The quality of time you get with your doctor and the availability that they have to set with you here BioCare and discuss your health is really not common in the American health care system.
Speaker 3 [00:41:49] At the hospital, we've received consistent care that we've loved over the last 12 years coming here. They not only treat you, but they help you learn so many things that you can do to better your health.
Speaker 2 [00:42:01] BioCare Hospital meets not only our physical needs, but our emotional and spiritual needs as well in the healing process.
Speaker 1 [00:42:09] If you would like to learn more about what you've heard on today's program and would like additional information on the integrative health care approach at International BioCare Hospital, visit our user friendly and doctor interactive website at BioCare Hospital dot com or call 800 7017345. That's 800 7017345. A toll free call from the U.S. or Canada. We promise a quick response to all of your questions. Call today. And now back to Dr. Rodriguez.
Speaker 2 [00:42:42] I'm Doctor Rodriguez Rodriguez, medical director of Baker Hospital. And I thank you for the hospitality for welcoming welcome me in in your house. In your car. In your workplace. A conversation like this between you and a doctor can always be very, very fruitful. You will learn something about you and your health every day, and that knowledge is going to give you the power to control your health in a better way. When you have an early diagnosis, no matter what it is. You can start setting things in motion to counteract that disease. And in the beginning, every single problem can be fairly simple and inexpensive to deal with. But if we wait months. Which the United States statistics tells me that it's about six months between five and six months later than what it should be, that cancer diagnosis. Well, we have missed a lot of things. The cancer is bigger, stronger, better off in every possible way. If not that, it has already produced these distant tumors. That's what we call metastasis. But if we start very early, sometimes you just being kicked out of the body and it's gone. Cervical cancer, for example. Cervical cancer. All you have to do in the real, real beginning is that you can see a little thing in the cervix of your uterus and that little thing you can literally snap it off. You look at it at the microscope and you say, aha, here are some cancer cells. But they're in the surface. They haven't been yet. Being able to get across the deeper layers of the cervix. And by all standards, you might say you're cured. If worse comes to worse and you see something else, well, you take a little part of that cervix out and you're cured. I mean, cured. You would not think of that cancer ever again. But do do able to do that, you have to go and have a pap smear. We should recommend you probably once a year. I think your birthday is a very good time to do all this. You're preparing for your birthday and you order a cake and you invite friends and you do things. Why don't you also plant a couple of things, like a pap smear, a good review of your breasts if you don't want to do mastectomy. Excuse me, Mr. Griffin. That depends on your age and and so forth. But, yes, a good examination of your breasts, preferably by a physician and preferably by a physician that looks after this type of problem, not just any doctor. A real good physician. I know doctors that I trust more than I do an ultrasound scan. I mean, they have the experience to do and say, well, this is not well. And remember that breast cancer is the most frequent cancer in women in the United States. So I'm not talking about something like farfetched. No, this is real. This is for real. Breast cancer is the cancer that kills more women in America than any other cancer. Well, self-examination. Just learn how to do it or get somebody you trust. If you have a sister, if you have a mother, you can have somebody. They can help you to do it. And a pap smear is fundamental. Once again, a very early cancer of the cervix can be removed and cured. So why do we wait? When you start doing all those things, you are being proactive. One of the problems in American medicine is that we were taught. That the doctor knows best. And that whatever he tells me I should do and that no matter what I have the doctor, he's going to solve the problem. And many of those things are at least. Not fully true because you go to the doctor many times, he says, Oh, this is advanced, so it's going to be more difficult. I'm going to see if we do use radiation or stronger chemotherapy, etc., instead of saying, Oh, I'm glad you came so early, but you cannot go to the doctor. That's the other paradigm that we have to break. It's very much imprinted in American medicine. You go to your doctor when you have a problem. Well, once again, your birthday. Plan an appointment with your doctor. Have a good conversation with him. Have him check your breasts, your cervix, your everything. Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease. All these risks. Are going to be able to be fully evaluated and understood by one visit and then you get it over your head. And if everything comes back good, congratulations. Now you have a lot of peace of mind. Not until my next birthday. I have to do this. It's going to take me a couple of days. But it's going to go a long way. What if they discover something very early? Well, you can get rid of it without any effort, with very little money and in very good circumstances. Better yet. You come to BioCare, you do your treatment. And also you get going, you get a kick start on a different lifestyle or a different form of eating, different way to control chronic inflammation, different way to control metabolic problems, overweight, intestinal flora, dysfunction, etc. You can change a lot of things in only ten days. So you can you can start doing something like that and say, I'm going to use some of my money. I'm going to use some of my time to take care of myself. Does it sound like a win win? And it is a win win situation because you're going to be looking for actively looking for dysfunctions that might take your life because cancer is going to kill you if you let it just grow anyway. So. What we are talking about today is that there is no question. I don't think any of you has any any doubt. No doubt at all that the earlier. You make a cancer diagnosis, the better off you're going to be, the more chances you have to beat the disease. But do do be able to do that given the circumstances that cancer is. Pretty as symptomatic in the beginning that it can disguise the symptoms as something else, etc. Only a very proactive awareness and vigilance can help you to get through this problem and solve it before it happens. So don't wait till you're sick to talk to a doctor. And once again, you can do it freely if you call me. If you click on BioCare Hospital and ask any sort of question. We love to help people to guide them. To do things that are going to be on your behalf. I don't like seeing cancer patients. I don't like to see people with strokes. I don't like to see people with diabetes, with any any of the current chronic degenerative diseases that are killing most Americans. The ones I just mentioned are killing most of the Americans. Diabetes. High blood pressure. Strokes. Heart. Neurological disorders like Alzheimer's and, of course, cancer. And all of them have a a common ground to develop. That's why when you when you simple, you put yourself on a diet because you want to lose weight and use some of these intermittent fasting or you change your diet or you become a vegetarian, etc., you start losing your weight, you start looking fantastic. But at the same time. You're sending away heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer's, everything. So one helping one condition, helping one side of the problem is going to be multifaceted the way it's going to act, because it's going to act upon all those chronic inflammatory diseases that make most of the American deaths today. Seven out of ten Americans are going to die from a kind of chronic, inflammatory, degenerative disease. Why don't you try to stay away when don't you train your children to stay away from them? Please follow me. And now that we have social media, I'd probably just like you. I wonder, how could I do this before? But but it gives you the opportunity to reach to reach more people, to deliver the message and to be able to tell you what we have to do. They're creating now certain organizations, particularly in the Nordic countries of Europe like England, Denmark, Sweden, where they are creating a government, Oregon, to help people. Exactly that. Be able to diagnose and identify a malignancy early, early, early. Because that timely diagnosis is probably your best your biggest asset. In cancer fighting. Nothing beats early diagnosis. Nothing. Not this drug is not this surgery is not this radiation is not that thing. No. The best you can do to fight cancer is find it early. Remember that cancer is just a few cells turning. To malignancy. Misbehaving. Replicating. But that can be addressed very simply. Many times just by lifestyle changes, by diet. I have already told you about this guy with prosthetic cancer that was able to wipe all the images out to back to normal just by getting himself on a very, I would say, obedient. That's the word. Because it's not that he was being bad to himself. He was just being obedient. Nevertheless, everything changed for him. He looks great. He's healthy. He's happy. He enjoys his family. That's why you when you do so, sit around with everybody at the table, discuss all this, talked about it in your church, talk about it at work. Let's help each other. Join me. Follow me and I'll be here next Friday.
Speaker 1 [00:55:50] Facing health concerns. Consider BioCare Hospital. With over 40 years experience in advanced and innovative medical treatments, mitigating a multitude of chronic conditions like cancer and inflammatory diseases. Founded by Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez, the BioCare Approaches team based with you, the patient at the center of our personalized, nontoxic treatments. You'll be immersed in 24 seven integrated medical care for the management and alleviation of critical diseases to enhance the quality of your life. BioCare providing hope and healing based on proven experience. Let BioCare Help Your Life's Health Challenge. Call one 800 7017345. That's one 800 7017345. Or visit us at BioCare Hospital dot com. If you'd like to learn more about what you've heard on today's program and would like additional information on the integrative healthcare approach at International BioCare Hospital, visit our user friendly and doctor interactive website at BioCare Hospital dot com or call 800 7017345. That's 800 7017345. A toll free call from the U.S. or Canada. We promise a quick response to all of your questions. Call today.
A weekly appointment with Dr. Rodrigo Rodriguez, medical director for BioCare Hospital and Wellness Center, a unique program that provides information to find your way to good health. BioCare Hospital and Wellness Center, located in Tijuana, Mexico - with over four decades of dedicated experience in the field – offers state-of-the-art therapies focusing on natural treatments for the management of a full range of diseases such as cancer, MS, Immunological disorders, Lupus, Parkinson’s, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Diabetes and less invasive surgical procedures for herniated discs, knee and hip replacement and many other ailments. *Disclaimer* No videos on this channel can be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions, they are strictly for educational/entertainment purposes only.