1. TOBACCO SMOKING: Every puff of tobacco is packed with 250 harmful chemicals. Nearly 70 of them cause cancer. Does anyone still doubts the damaging effects in primary or secondary smokers?
2. OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY: Inches around our waistline mean a strong pro-inflammatory activity from within. Natural suppressor systems including immunity will be put at a disadvantage.
3. WATCH PROCESSED MEATS AND FOODS: Studies show that processed foods, meats in particular will have chemicals linked to cancer, add to that chemicals for coloring, flavoring, preservatives and taste enhancement.
4. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: Good energy balance has to harmonize calorie intake vs calorie expenditure. Furthermore physical movement has a positive effect in carb metabolism, reduces inflammatory markers, improves heart rate, blood flow and increases wellbeing chemicals like serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.
5. GET TO KNOW YOUR FAMILY HISTORY: Even though cancer cannot necessarily be inherited, family history can connect to organ or metabolic deficiencies and of course shared lifestyles that can lead to common pathologies.
6. EAT HEALTHY: As obvious as it sounds most people have no idea what this means. Choosing fresh, local, products and preparing them from scratch is a good beginning. Be carful with salt, refined sugar and flour and “vegetable” oils. Make sure a good part of your diet is made up of vegetables, fresh fruits which are a good source of essential, trace nutriments and provide sufficient supply of dietary fiber.
7. KEEP TOXIC CHEMICALS OUT OF YOUR LIFE: Most carcinogens belong to this group. Carcinogens damage cellular DNA and raise your chance of having cancer. The problem is that you can eat, breathe, touch or drink them, so be aware and never bring them home. Use natural soap and water, use a steamer but never a chemical. Children are particularly sensitive and with time the sure victims.
8. WATCH AND CARE FOR YOUR INTESTINAL WELL-BEING: The intestinal flora is a complex and self-balanced organ that can render a myriad of benefits. It will be served by good eating, plenty of dietary fiber and fresh products. Just like your garden it can bloom when well taken care of. Be aware of constipation, cramps, gas distention or any other abdominal discomfort. Keep in mind that the largest player in our immune system is the bowel with the intestinal flora.
9. EARLY WARNING SYMPTOMS AND DIAGNOSIS: An absolute fact is that the earlier a cancer diagnosis is made, the easier it will be to handle. From diagnosis to treatment and of course outcome, all will be less costly, more effective and successful. Keep a look out for early possible signs or symptoms that could tell us a malignancy is on the horizon. Get the facts, learn the possible signs, keep early warning observation as part of your daily routine.
10. CONNECT WITH BIOCARE HOSPITAL DOCTORS: Call or write to BioCare doctors who are completely open and ready to answer your medical questions. Allow us to help you keep your health and wellbeing. You can call or write by visiting our website, or social media of your choice.